#DaysOfAction – The #US #Blockade and the Endless Resistance – Via Radio Rebelde Cuba


On the upcoming October 31st, the international community will vote for the seventh occasion the first text where it is proven that the U.S. blockade on Cuba for nearly 60 years will keep and continuing damages to the Cuban people and hindering the nation’s development.

Since 1992, Cuba presents before the United Nations General Assembly a bill on a resolution that demands the end of the U.S. economic, trade and financial blockade imposed by successive US governments.

Since April 2017 to date, that absurd policy has been worsened and applied strictly. However, all the data show that the majority of the U.S. citizens and even a wider majority of the Cuban emigrants are in favor of the bilateral relations’ normalization.

The U.S. blockade’s regulations became a law at the U.S. Congress and the opposition has also increased against that policy.

The adoption of the Presidential National Security Memorandum on the Strengthening of the U.S. Policy against Cuba from June 16th, 2017, had that strengthening process among its objectives.

For more click HERE

Thanks For Ur time to read us. Cuban Window Team